“A velocity pump uses a spinning ‘impeller’ which has backward-swept arms. It is a type of pump in which kinetic energy is added to the fluid by increasing the flow velocity. This increase in energy is converted to a gain in potential energy (pressure) when the velocity is reduced as the flow exits the pump into the discharge pipe.”
We gain strength. We lose power. Feel invited to our muscle play. Something sneaks through and gets spoiled obviously.
Konzept und Choreographie: Rose Beermann, Iva Sveshtarova, Tessa Theisen
Dramaturgie: Verena Billinger und Caroline Spellenberg
Sounddesign: Mark Schröppel
Uraufgeführt im Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, gefördert durch die Crespo Foundation, unterstützt durch das Tanzlabor_21 und das Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft Gießen. Weitere Aufführungen im Rahmen des Rough Cuts / Tanzpanorama Festivals Frankfurt, des 100° Festivals Berlin, des Antistatic Festivals in Sofia (Bulgarien) und des Flare Festivals in Manchester (UK).
Ihre Körper legen die jungen Frauen umständlich in Bodybuilder-Posen. Die Assoziationen, die sie dabei auslösen, wirken an diesem Abend mit all ihren lächerlichen, heiteren und ironischen Konsequenzen ausgesprochen erfrischend.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 28.6.2011
Velocity Pumps showed us the parts of the body women are so often expected to hide, to neglect. We saw women with muscles, with sweat, with blood pumping through their veins not to please men but to increase and show off their strength and power. We focus on calves and lats, biceps and abs, and revel in seeing someone work so hard. But the smiles are forced, the breathing laboured, the cheeks flushed. For us to appreciate the strength of these women they must put on a show for us. They must turn this strength to dancing. We must be entertained, not intimidated. The world of the bodybuilder is one steeped in vanity and well-worn poses, a world that feels faintly ridiculous. This is strength with no place to go, power with nothing to be powerful over. Once again this is fetishisation of the body, though a fetishisation of the body’s capability to perform, not simply to… well, to make new bodies.
Fotos: Jan Nandzig